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Platformer game with Arcanepad in Godot 4



This game has been done using Kenneys free assets, and the Arcanepad library. It is hardcoded to just one player because It would have taken some time to add camera logic for multiple players, but it can certainly be done, it shouldn't too much time to a seasoned godot developer. I may attempt to add this functinality in the future. Also it features an advanced multi-direcional joystick on the gamepad. You are welcome to take this example and expand it, or use it as a base for another game


For some reason on export to web it is not finding the textures, so the whole view looks white. If you know how to fix this please let me know or you can make a PR on the repo. Be carefull if you plan to use this as a template since this problem may not show until you want to export.